Mennonite Church Guinea Bissau is part of a Mennonite mission presence in West Africa since 2000. The mission began first in Gambia and by 2005 the good news was being carried to Guinea Bissau by new believers from Gambia. Most of the work focuses on the Balanta people but other people groups are also part of the emerging church. The mission is sponsored by Eastern Mennonite Missions and seeks to establish an Anabaptist circle of churches in those two countries plus in the intervening territory of Senegal. Welcome to our blog page and thanks for your interest in learning more about bringing Christ to a part of Africa where the church is weak or non-existent.

Impacting Mennonite Values

Ten Notable Anabaptist/Mennonite Values

Twenty-first century Mennonites are the heritors of the spirituality, theology and Christology of the 16th century Anabaptists.  Today this heritage is attracting the attention of people around the globe including my friends in West Africa. I have prepared this brief summary at their request that they might better understand their new found faith in relation to where they have come from (animism) and how we are different or similar to other Christian persuasions
1.     The teachings and example of Jesus are the norm for believers.  Jesus is understood as our model.  We live by the rule of Christ.
2.     We are here as servants, not masters. Through servanthood we demonstrate the transforming power of Christ. We suffer with others as a means of bringing them the healing and salvation of Christ. God’s kingdom is advancd through the power of suffering love as opposed power tactics of the flesh.
3.     We invite others to voluntarily follow Jesus through non-coercive evangelism. Through servanthood and example we call attention to God’s presence and mercy already in their experience. We help others build their faith upon ways they already see and know about God. We meet people at their current faith level with terms they are able to comprehend.
4.     The Old Testament is read and understood thru the lens of Jesus- ethic. The New Testament is authoritative in the life and faith of the church. The bible is discerned and interpreted among the gathered believers under the leading of the Holy Spirit.
5.     We are active peacemakers.  We resolve conflicts of our own and for others through mediation.  We seek to end cycles of violence by returning good for evil. War and all forms of violence against others are never an option for the Christian.
6.     We live in community with other believers.  We both give and receive counsel from the community.  Preserving relationships in the community is of highest priority.
7.      Disciples of Jesus are those who are submitted to the Word, open to the counsel of the church and eagerly continue their own transformation into Christlikeness.
8.     We believe Jesus has broken down all walls that would divide us such as: gender, tribe, economic, ethnic, age and race.
9.     We live both in the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’.  The church demonstrates the earthly reality of life in God’s Kingdom now, but we look forward to the completion of time when there will be a new heaven and new earth where Jesus Christ will reign supreme and all evil will be forever banished.
10.                        We are ready to challenge the values and practices of our culture wherein they violate the Spirit and teachings of Jesus. We don’t allow the world to squeeze us into its mold when that mold diminishes Christlikeness in ourselves or others.