Baptismal Vows
1. Do you believe in the one holy and loving God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who created all things and brought salvation to man through Jesus Christ?
2. Do you believe in Jesus Christ the Word of God become man who is savior of the world, who has freed us from the power of sin and reconciled us to God through his death on the cross and glorious resurrection from the dead?
3. Do you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, commit yourself to being a disciple of Jesus through study of the Bible and instruction by pastors and teachers of the church?
4. Are you willing to forsake unrighteousness and the works of darkness including idol worship, satanic ceremonies and violence? Do you commit yourself to live by love and peace following the example of Jesus?
5. Are you willing to enter into the mission of the church which is the community of God’s people demonstrating His power and love in a world of darkness?